Midnight Truffle and White Roses Bouquet

1,290.00 1,161.00


Indulge in a perfect blend of sweetness and elegance with this stunning combo. A decadent midnight truffle cake, adorned with golden edible beads and rich chocolate cream. The cake is paired beautifully with a bouquet of fresh white roses wrapped in a mauve sheet with a golden border, and elegantly hand-tied with a blue ribbon. The ideal gift for any celebration.

  1. Serene White Roses
    1. Type of Flowers: Roses
    2. Colour of Flower: White
    3. No. of Stems: 6
  2. Delicious Midnight Truffle Cream Cake
    1. Weight: 500gms
    2. Flavour: Truffle
    3. Servings: 5-6
    4. Shape: Round
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